Band & Orchestra Rehearsal

Band Room

Rehearsal for Regina Coeli (band & orchestra) Hungarian Dance #5 (orchestra) Bella's Lullaby (orchestra) Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (orchestra)

Band & Orchestra Rehearsal

Band Room

Rehearsal for Danse Macabre (band & orchestra) Regina Coeli (band & orchestra) Bella's Lullaby (orchestra) Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (orchestra) Hungarian Dance #5 (orchestra)

Marching Band Pre-Season Training

Band Room

All are invited!  New members always welcome!! All members are expected to attend, but if you are unavailable for a particular reason (such as if you are out of town), […]

Marching Band Pre-Season Training

All are invited!  New members always welcome!! All members are expected to attend, but if you are unavailable for a particular reason (such as if you are out of town), […]