Here are links to all the things you need to know for Marching Band:
Marching Band GENERAL INFORMATION for 2024.
Theme Shirt Order Form (everyone)
Wind & Percussion Equipment Order Form
Colorguard Equipment Order Form
All forms (and complete information packets) are always available in the band office, but we DO have electronic copies (available below) that you may print and fill out. As of yet, there is not an option to complete these online; you must submit paper copies of them.
Click here for a GUIDE TO THE FORMS
There are SIX forms you must submit:
1. The Annual Marching Band Participation form must be filled out and signed by the PARENT.
2. You must have a current Physical, and we use the FHSAA Physical Form. Fill out the first two pages, which both the STUDENT and PARENT must sign. Then the DOCTOR completes and signs the 3rd & 4th pages. You probably will not need the 5th page at all – that is only if the doctor refers you to a specialist for some reason before completing your clearance. KEEP pages 1-3 for your records; TURN IN page 4 (or 4 & 5 if 5 was needed). For more details, see the GUIDE TO THE FORMS.
3. The Emergency Treatment Authorization Card requires the PARENT signature to be NOTARIZED. We won’t take a student anywhere without this form!
4. EITHER the Consent and Release from Liability for Minor Child OR, if the student is 18 or older, the very similar form for that case. The PARENT signature must be NOTARIZED.
5. The Handbook Acknowledgement, verifying that you have read and understand the information in the Marching Band Handbook.
6. A Media Release form, so that we may promote the band program through positive publicity.
PLUS – You will also need School Insurance, regardless of what other insurance coverage you have. Here is the link to the school board page to visit for information and to enroll: Be sure that you are enrolling for the 2024-25 school year! The least expensive option is the At School Low Option plan, which costs $4.00. Once you have enrolled, just send the confirmation to Mr. Benoit (hard copy or electronically, either the insurance card or the confirmation email is fine!).