Last Day of 1st 9 weeks

Largo High School 410 Missouri Ave N, Largo, FL, United States

This is the last day of the 1st 9 weeks grading period.

Teacher Work Day

Largo High School 410 Missouri Ave N, Largo, FL, United States

There are no classes this day; it is a planning day for teachers at the end of the first 9 weeks. It IS a designated Hurricane Make-Up day, so in the event that tropical weather cancels so much school that there is a need to reschedule, this is a day that could be used for […]

Band Boosters Board Meeting

Board meetings are always open - ANY and ALL parents are ALWAYS welcome to attend!

Marching Band Rehearsal

Band Room / Auditorium / Parking Lot

No football game this week, so we will take advantage of that to have our final prep rehearsal for Saturday's contest tonight instead of Saturday morning...then everyone can sleep in later and be extra well-rested for the show!

Marching Band Rehearsal

Packer Stadium 410 Missouri Ave N, Largo, FL, United States

Yes, we have rehearsal tonight.  Yes, we'll do something special for Halloween!